Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Research Action Plan


  1. Sheri,

    Your plan looks good. The only challenge I see is getting enough surveys back to validate the data. Also, in your last block, last column, I think it should say, "who actually took" instead of "to". I don't know if it's a typo, or if it just didn't show up when you pasted your plan.

    Are you including district required technology training, or are you only looking at trainings that teachers signed up for voluntarily?

  2. You may want to create the survey on survey monkey and then you can ask teams to come to the computer lab during planning and do the survey so you can get all the surveys completed.
    I also was not really sure what your goal is for your research project. What are you going to do with all of the data that you collected?

  3. Responding to your "comments needed" request.
    Sheri, I posted this on our discussion board, but thought I would put it here too.

    I agree that gathering all the surveys will be time consuming and from experience we all know there will many you will have to "chase down". Being a tech person, I am sure you have probably used a online survey site before, but thought I would suggest using one to possibly change the dynamics for easy retrieval; I have used Survey Monkey several times. I create the survey on the site, email the link to my parents, or post it on our campus school website and have had great success having parents take it in a timely manner. I have also received positive comments from parents about the ease of access to the survey, etc. The site will also tabulate responses and therefore free up some time for you.
    Like I said, I know you are a "tech person" so am sure you have utilized such a tool....

  4. You might also try the Delphi Method. It would be relevant with your surveys.

    Could you possibly comment on my research blog, http://researchthatcreatesaction.blogspot.com ?


  5. Sheri, would you consider taking the research one more step and into the classroom to see if the training is being utilized and what effects it has on learning?
